Peeps Policies

  1. Members of Geneva Peeps may be individuals or families. Each member pays the annual membership fee ($48 for those with a weekly shift; $30 for subs) and cleans the coop once per year. Members may volunteer for a weekly shift (if one is available) and may substitute for a weekly shift, provided they have completed a training session.

  2. Individuals or families may join the wait list without becoming a member. Wait-listers must become full members in order to take on a shift or become a sub.

  3. Substitutes must be members who have been trained by another member of the co-op.

  4. Aspiring members may be trained by any member of Geneva Peeps. Training includes a site introduction, explanation of both the morning and evenings shifts, and coop cleaning instruction.

  5. If a member fails to cover their weekly shift (either in-person or by lining up a sub), the shift will be reassigned from the wait list. They may still serve as a sub or join the wait list for a future shift.

  6. Morning shift duties must be performed within two hours after sunrise; the evening shift must be performed between sunset and two hours after sunset. Daylight hours are distributed in a weekly email.

  7. If a member cannot make their shift, they must find a substitute. Once a substitute is found, it must be communicated to the rest of the members via the distribution list.

  8. Each member completing a shift is entitled to the weekly egg ration. If a sub fills in, the sub is entitled to the eggs for that week. Any eggs not needed can be put in the "donation" carton.

  9. A suitable home will be found for chickens who have passed their egg-laying years. The hens will not be raised or sold for meat.

  10. Members are encouraged to participate in other activities (gardening, beekeeping, landscaping, etc) in keeping with the vision.